Mimosa B5-LITE 5GHz 750Mbps+ point-to-point kit

produttore: MIMOSA

ID: 3419

Prodotto archiviato


Monika Patron

cellulare.: +48 510 206 883

e-mail: m.patron@cyberteam.pl

skype: live:m.patron_3

Monika Patron

Informazioni sul prodotto:

Introducing the B5-Lite, your next low-cost, high throughput backhaul radio. Using Mimosa TDMA protocol and 802.11ac technology, this 2x2:2 radio is a great option for locations that do not require collocation.

Capable of 750+ Mbps throughput, this radio can serve less bandwidth hungry areas easily. Offering the same low 2+ ms latency as the B5 and a 20 dBi antenna - the B5-Lite strips away a few advanced B5 features to provide you with an alternative low-cost solution. At $299 per link, the B5-Lite is a fantastic addition to any network.

Fast. Affordable. Easy.
Switch to the award-winning Mimosa B5-Lite, the easiest, fastest and most affordable wireless bridge kit on the market. This backhaul radio is ideal for connecting large properties, co-located office buildings, hospital buildings or campuses. No fiber in your future? No problem - the B5-Lite is a great short range fiber digging alternative. Public safety providers can also take advantage of the licensed 4.9 Ghz safety band and easily deploy the B5-Lite for an immediate backhaul boost.
The B5-Lite is a fantastic addition to any network. Make the change today and discover blazing backhaul.

Superior Performance
Our speeds will blow you away. With up to 750 Mbps and under 1 ms of latency, high performance has never been this affordable.

Monitor with Ease
Assessing link health and identifying potential problems is easy. Links are instantly monitored by our Mimosa Cloud service with rich data collection and analysis.

Rugged and Affordable
Extreme outdoor conditions have nothing on the B5-Lite. The B5-Lite handles huge fluctuations with incredible affordability.

Just Mount and Go
Connect quickly with our complete kit including super compact integrated antennas and wall mounts. Includes optional pole mounting kit.

Il disciplinare:

Maksymalna przepustowość
Szerokość kanału
Zakres częstotliwości
Maksymalna moc nadawcza
Czułość (MCS0)

Szerokość wiązki 3 dB (azimuth i elevation)
Izolacja polaryzacji ortogonalnej
Maksymalny pobór mocy
Sposób zasilania
Odporność na wiatr
Opór wiatru
Stopień ochrony
Dopuszczalna temperatura
Dopuszczalna wilgotność
Dopuszczalna wysokość
Wstrząsy i wibracje
Porty Ethernet

Zarządzanie Smart Spectrum
750 Mb/s
5 ms
Do 256 QAM
20 / 40 / 80 MHz
4900 - 6000 MHz
23 dBm
-87 dBm przy 80 MHz
-90 dBm przy 40 MHz
-93 dBm przy 20 MHz
20 dBi
> 20 dB
Podwójna, skośna
15 W
Pasywne PoE, 48 - 56 V
153,31 x 260,33 mm
0,72 kg
Wykonana z tworzywa sztucznego odpornego na promieniowanie UV
200 km/h
39 kg przy 160 km/h
Na slupie lub ścianie
Od -40 do 55 st. C
5%-100% kondensująca
4420 m n.p.m.
ETS 300-019-2-4 class 4M5
10/100/1000 BASE-T
Mimosa cloud monitoring
SNMPv2 i Syslog
Interfejs Web UI (HTTPS HTML5)
Aktywne monitorowanie interferencji wzdłuż kanału
Dynamiczny wybór kanału i jego szerokości
WPA2 + Mimosa 802.1x
Wspiera 4 predefiniowane poziomy QoS
UL / EC / EN / 60950-1 + CSA-22.2
FCC part 14.407 i part 90V
IC RS210
ETSI 301 893 / 302 502

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