MikroTik RB922 desktop case

Manufacturer: Cyberteam Sp. z o.o.

ID: 2758

Net price: 64.26 zł

Gross: 79.04 zł

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Monika Patron

mobile.: +48 510 206 883

e-mail: m.patron@cyberteam.pl

skype: live:m.patron_3

Monika Patron

Product information:

Desktop case for RB 922. Made from powder coated aluminium. RouterBoard, pigtails and antennas not included.

Product specification:

Hole for the Ethernet port
Hole for the power cable
Hole for the connector / pigtail
Hole for the SFP slots
Hole for the USB port
1 pcs.
1 pcs.
2 pcs.
1 pcs.
1 pcs.


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